
Showing posts from 2016
GOOD MORNING PEOPLE TODAY IT'S MONDAY AND WE HAVE NNO SCHOOL.!!!!!!! And today I've decided to show you some pics of breakfasts from all over the world and why not make them.It may be tasty (or nah) and easy (or nah) but it is surely new.. This is an I N D I -AN (the I is white) breakfast.As we all see it contains dosa,chutney and sambar.I think we can find them in supermarkets. Dosa --> half pancake half crepe (just mix the ingredients) made efrom sort of a butter. Chutney --> sauce  Sambar -->   lentil-based vegetable stew or chowder based on a broth made with tamarind Kenya though is a bit different (every country is different).They choose banana and any kind of fruit,I guess,flatbread and uji (cool name mates). Flatbread -->This is obviously bread.I guess it's made with flour,of course, water and salt. Uji -->I have no idea sorry Kenyan followers  (if you know let me a comment) I think Brazil has the most interes
1. Communicate! This is probably the most important point on this list. It’s hard being away from your boy/girlfriend, but you have to let them know how you feel, as they can’t read your mind and instantly know when there is something wrong! 2. Skype/phone dates Arrange Skype or phone dates at least twice a week and preferably at a time when you can talk without having to rush, or without being interrupted or distracted. 3. Arrange dates when you will see each other in person Not only does this give you something to look forward to, but it also allows you to make plans for the next time you will be at home. 4. Surprise them with little presents/I’m thinking about you There’s nothing better than receiving a note or a letter or present in the post to let you know that your other half is thinking about you. 5. Keep a diary and give it to them when you get home This way you can write down all the little things that happen to you, which you can both read and remember your experien
Hello and wussap world.I hope you are fine wherever you are.My apologies (again) for not posting but as you know the usual things (school) and homework is eating all my free time.Now that I'm sick I have free time to write.So today's topic is pretty much the similar to the other pages's topics. DONALD TRUMP All were shocked when results came positive for the runner-president and now official president of United States of America,Donald Trump.A victory for him but loss for not only Americans but for other countries too.So today dear friends I'm going to show you a bit more about this new president 1.He is a TV personality Yep,except from a businessman he is an actor too.He was showed up on Home Alone,Horrorween,54,The little rascals (cute movie),The Fresh Prince of Bel-Ai and so on. 2.Trump Vodka I know it's a bit strange but it's true,Mr Donald launched his own Dutch-made vodka back in 2007. 3.Three Wives No comment on this
Fact #4 Humans can't swallow and breathe at the same time once they surpass 9 months of age, and we can never breathe underwater. Why not? So why can't we breathe underwater: 1.Because of water's chemical composition 2.Fish are capable of breathing underwater because of their gills  and cold-blooded nature
Fact #3  The U.S. Library of Congress in Washington D.C. is home to more than 160 million books, recordings, photos, manuscripts, and other important pieces of American cultural history. But not everything is kept within those walls. 75 miles to the southwest near the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains is the Packard Campus of the National Audio-Visual Conservation Center, a 415,000 square-foot (38,555 square-meter) facility that houses 140,000 reels of film. Those reels include classics such as Casablanca, flops such as Gigli, and even nitrate film—an old medium that's kept in its own vaults because it's highly flammable. In fact, all of the center's 6.3 million collection items are well protected, since the Packard Campus was once a nuclear bunker.
Fact #2 Unusual but real college majors  Secondary education is for everyone becasue it has different majors that each one of the studdents want.But here we are talking about majors so unusual that you think that it's some kind of joke. In Oaksterdam University,which is in Oakland-Californa,there is a really interesting major-Cannabis Cultivation.As known medical marijuana is legible in that state but before it was this major wouldn't have existed. An other unusual major is bowling industry management and technology at the University of Connecticut. Or fermentation sciences at Appalachian State University and floral managemebt at Missisipi State University. And finally auctioneering at Harrison Area Community College..


Yesterday I was reading different facts I honestly did not knew and came up with a new idea.So the idea was to upload a daily fact that is weither strange or shocking or even fun that very few people know and so we learn different things that we don't learn at school. Fact #1 Coffee was a food As crazy as it sounds people use to eat coffee rather than drink it.After a long time was it discovered that coffee beans would make a powerful drink.So then coffee was eaten like an energy bar that today are either Kellog's or PowerBar.East Africans tribes were believably the first that used it.They used to mix up coffee berries, which were the unhulled coffee beans,with animal fat and somehow that was a source of energy.But around 1,000 A.D. coffee on the Arabian Peninsula turned into the hot drink that we today recognize as coffee. 


Psychology is the study of behaviour and mind embracing all aspects of conscious and unconscious experience as well as thought.Put simply the study of mind,the scientific study of the human mind and its functions.   Psychology has always interested me because it has to do with humans and all about the explanation of their behaviour.There are different types of psychology such as: Clinical psychology Biopsychology Counseling psychology Cognitive psychology Comparative psychology Developmental psychology Educational psychology Personality psychology Sports psychology e.t.c Now that we saw the different types of psychology let's see the psychological disorders (I'll show the (kind of) most common and explain them: Bipolar disorder :  Also known as manic-depressive illness.According to NIMH bipolar is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood,energy,activity levels and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks.I once saw a movie about a
Recently, I was watching a kind of documentary,let's say, and it was about people who want a home-cooked food but don't like cooking by themselves.Just like me.And then it appeared a robot called Robo Chef who can cook any recipe.It's really cool and fun but honestly I'd prefer to do it by myself even if I don't like it. I think that this is really cool and nice you know,but besides all this don't you feel like everything s changing in the speed of light.Do you remember the movies you used to see when you were children,with robots and cars that fly and everything? Well,movies become real and in my opinion I think this is bad for the whole humanity because everything that humans did now it's going to be done by robots. And what are we going to be doing? Sitting on a chair and having the computer or phone in front of us and do nothing but staring it all day?This makes us lazy and also our life worthless.Because think it this way : If you don't do any


You get dressed and your makeup is on fleek but don't have a clue how to do your hair.Or is it only me?  Wherever you are going,whether is school,cinema,or pub you don't know how to do different hairstyles because after all you are not a professional hairstyler.Whatever is the occasion I'm going to show you for each of these how to do your hair SCHOOL FOR GOING OUT  FOR WEDDING This was it.I will do more how-to-do posts since I've received requests.Anyways good night xoxo 

Story Line

My story: I was born in Athens,the capital city of Greece.Originally I am from Albania.My story is a bit different but I wanted to share it with you anyway.I was born a healthy baby and my parents were very happy for my birth.All was fine until the age of 3.I had a cat since I was born and I loved it so much.Its name was Jido ( my dad chose the name).It was a lovely cat with grey fur and green eyes.It would stay by my side 24 hours and never leave.One day that my parents were both home,I asked them if I could go on the balcony for a reason I do not remember.Our balcony had a quite narrow space.My cat got out also.The moment I would catch Jido so we could go inside,he jumped from my hands and fall to the ground.Our flat had a ground floor so he fell there.As I looked down and was panicked I quickly jumped too because I wanted to save my cat.But it didn't go well (of course) because I got seriously injured.I got my head cracked open so technically I had a head trauma.My parents got

Makeup Brands

When it comes to makeup,we girls have to use the best products but at the same time save money.We don't want to cry all the time because the mascara isn't good but we don't want to spend 20 dollars on nothing,right?  Here are some of the best makeup brands that girls who love makeup should definitely try it AVON Avon is an American company,internationally known for its products.It is ranked the fifth largest beauty company and second largest direct selling enterprise in the world.As you can see its products are really good.But not only it sells beauty cosmetics.It also sells perfumes,clothes and toys too.I honestly didn't know that.I know found out and I am definitely going to buy them cause I love its products.I have an eyeliner,a lip pencil and an eye pencil and they are by far the best I've ever had. MAYBELLINE An another American brand,you've seen maybelline on different vloggs that do makeup tutorials.Maybelline is especially from girls at age 16.T
                                        FAMOUS YOUTUBERS Everyone loves youtubers and vloggers,especially the funny ones.I mean vloggers show you things such as lifehacks and different stuff like makeup tutorials and most of youtubers make reaction,talk about funny things and this make all of us laugh.But who are really they and who of them are in the top-list? Pew-Die-Pie NAME : Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg   BIRTHDATE : 24/08/1989 (26 years old) ,Sweden BIRTH SIGN : Scorpio HEIGHT : 1.8 m RESIDENCE :  Brighton,East Sussex,England PARTNER : Marzia Bisognin or CutiePieMarzia KNOWN FOR :  Let's Play commentaries-vlogs SUBSCRIBERS : 57 millions HolaSoyGerman NAME : German Alejandro Garmendia Aranis BIRTHDATE : 25/4/1990 (26 years old) ,Chile BIRTH SIGN : Taurus HEIGHT : 1.84 m RESIDENCE : Santiago,Chile PARTNER : Single KNOWN FOR : making entertainment videos SUBSCRIBERS : 28 million Smosh NAME : Ian Andrew Hecox               Daniel Anthony Padilli