1. Communicate!
This is probably the most important point on this list. It’s hard being away from your boy/girlfriend, but you have to let them know how you feel, as they can’t read your mind and instantly know when there is something wrong!
2. Skype/phone dates
Arrange Skype or phone dates at least twice a week and preferably at a time when you can talk without having to rush, or without being interrupted or distracted.
3. Arrange dates when you will see each other in person
Not only does this give you something to look forward to, but it also allows you to make plans for the next time you will be at home.
4. Surprise them with little presents/I’m thinking about you
There’s nothing better than receiving a note or a letter or present in the post to let you know that your other half is thinking about you.
5. Keep a diary and give it to them when you get home
This way you can write down all the little things that happen to you, which you can both read and remember your experience in years to come.
6. Keep busy
The busier you are, the less homesick you are and the less you miss your significant other. Plus, you get to fully experience the culture you are immersed in!
7. Always make time for them, no matter how busy you are
Whether this is sending them a text or phoning to say 'hello' quickly at lunch time, make sure you have enough time in the day to speak and ask them how their day is going.
8. Let them know you miss them
Your boy/girlfriend will know you miss them, but it’s always nice to be reminded!
9. Listen to music together
Have a mutual playlist that you listen to, with songs which remind you of each other. When you hear a song you both like, you’ll smile!


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