Sunscreen and its effects

We all need protection when we are under the sun otherwise we might get burned.Of course,some of you skip it cause you think that this way you will take that chocolate colour on your skin and you will be more beautiful.This is a complete lie.If you skip sunscreen you might get skin cancer,or your face and not only will get wrinkles and will look much older.
In this post I will show you what type of sunscreen should you get based on your skin type and what is the best way to get tanned.

Children's skin: We know that children's skin is very sensitive so it should be treated well.Choosing PABA and oxybenzone which includes chemicals just isn't right for them.Instead try to use sunscreens that are sprayed all over the body.Or even tubes with colourful packaging which children will find more enjoyable to use.Try something like this

These are very good products and are scientifically proven to be from the best sunscreens for kids. 

Dry skin:If you have dry skin then you better try moisturizing sunscreens.Lots of  moisturizers are used in sunscreens such as lanolin,oils and silicones such dimethicone.Moisturizing sunscreens are also referred with the terms "creams,lotions or ointments" so look for this term on the label.Here is an example

Darker skin tones:If you are like me then you know that people like us who have already dark skin are said a lot "Why you staying under the sun when you don't need to get any darker",right? Well we do cause we want to get our skin darker than this.We are lucky cause we rarely get burnt like I've never burned while staying under the sun.We tan easier than any other skin type.Chemical sunscreens are an option so look for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a SPF of 15+.Also,

   For people with melasma,a history of skin cancer or very fair skin:A sunscreen with SPF of 30+ is recommended  daily for extra protection.Most people do not apply the sunscreen very often so it is important a frequent reapplication like after 2 hours outdoors or straight after swimming.But you've got to be careful with the sun and do not stay too long under the light of the sun because it may be very dangerous.Because of this you must apply the sunscreen in a fairy amount in a way that you don't get burned.

For allergy,acne and rosacea-prone skin:Patients with allergy-prone skin or with conditions such as acne should avoid products containing preservatives or fragrances as well as those containing PABA or oxybenzone.Patients with acne,however,may find gel formulas which usually contain alcohol which is more drying and less likely to aggravate acne.Of course you should ask your doctor first before laying in the sun and ask them to suggest you the right products.This must be done with patients with melasma and skin cancer as well.

Sunscreen is very important as it protects you from the sun and it also prevents skin cancer.You should also wear UV-blocking sunglasses and a protective-from-sun hat.So by educating yourself about your sunscreen options,you are more confident in choosing the right one which fit in your needs.  


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