GOOD MORNING PEOPLE TODAY IT'S MONDAY AND WE HAVE NNO SCHOOL.!!!!!!! And today I've decided to show you some pics of breakfasts from all over the world and why not make them.It may be tasty (or nah) and easy (or nah) but it is surely new.. This is an I N D I -AN (the I is white) breakfast.As we all see it contains dosa,chutney and sambar.I think we can find them in supermarkets. Dosa --> half pancake half crepe (just mix the ingredients) made efrom sort of a butter. Chutney --> sauce Sambar --> lentil-based vegetable stew or chowder based on a broth made with tamarind Kenya though is a bit different (every country is different).They choose banana and any kind of fruit,I guess,flatbread and uji (cool name mates). Flatbread -->This is obviously bread.I guess it's made with flour,of course, water and salt. Uji -->I have no idea sorry Kenyan followers (if you know let me a comment) I think Brazil has the most inter...