Makeup Brands
When it comes to makeup,we girls have to use the best products but at the same time save money.We don't want to cry all the time because the mascara isn't good but we don't want to spend 20 dollars on nothing,right? Here are some of the best makeup brands that girls who love makeup should definitely try it AVON Avon is an American company,internationally known for its products.It is ranked the fifth largest beauty company and second largest direct selling enterprise in the world.As you can see its products are really good.But not only it sells beauty cosmetics.It also sells perfumes,clothes and toys too.I honestly didn't know that.I know found out and I am definitely going to buy them cause I love its products.I have an eyeliner,a lip pencil and an eye pencil and they are by far the best I've ever had. MAYBELLINE An another American brand,you've seen maybelline on different vloggs that do makeup tutorials.Maybelline is especially from girls at age 16.T...