We all love TV Series.They get us out of boredom,excite us and make us a part of a new world (well some of us that are really addicted).Personally,I like watching Tv Series but I am not addicted as some may be.Ξ—ere I have a list of the series that I find etertaining and some that I haven't watched but have seen good critics. Games of Thrones is a drama fantasy television series by David Banniof and D.B.Weiss . The series is generally praised for what is perceived as a sort of medieval realism.T he story feel more like historical fiction than contemporary fantasy, with less emphasis on magic and sorcery and more on battles, political intrigue, and the characters. Believing that magic should be used moderately in the epic fa ntasy genre. It's the depiction of two powerful families -- kings and queens, knights and renegades, liars and honest men -- playing a d eadly game for control of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros,...