Hello and wussap world.I hope you are fine wherever you are.My apologies (again) for not posting but as you know the usual things (school) and homework is eating all my free time.Now that I'm sick I have free time to write.So today's topic is pretty much the similar to the other pages's topics. DONALD TRUMP All were shocked when results came positive for the runner-president and now official president of United States of America,Donald Trump.A victory for him but loss for not only Americans but for other countries too.So today dear friends I'm going to show you a bit more about this new president 1.He is a TV personality Yep,except from a businessman he is an actor too.He was showed up on Home Alone,Horrorween,54,The little rascals (cute movie),The Fresh Prince of Bel-Ai and so on. 2.Trump Vodka I know it's a bit strange but it's true,Mr Donald launched his own Dutch-made vodka back in 2007. 3.Three Wives No comment on this ...