
Showing posts from October, 2016
Fact #2 Unusual but real college majors  Secondary education is for everyone becasue it has different majors that each one of the studdents want.But here we are talking about majors so unusual that you think that it's some kind of joke. In Oaksterdam University,which is in Oakland-Californa,there is a really interesting major-Cannabis Cultivation.As known medical marijuana is legible in that state but before it was this major wouldn't have existed. An other unusual major is bowling industry management and technology at the University of Connecticut. Or fermentation sciences at Appalachian State University and floral managemebt at Missisipi State University. And finally auctioneering at Harrison Area Community College..


Yesterday I was reading different facts I honestly did not knew and came up with a new idea.So the idea was to upload a daily fact that is weither strange or shocking or even fun that very few people know and so we learn different things that we don't learn at school. Fact #1 Coffee was a food As crazy as it sounds people use to eat coffee rather than drink it.After a long time was it discovered that coffee beans would make a powerful drink.So then coffee was eaten like an energy bar that today are either Kellog's or PowerBar.East Africans tribes were believably the first that used it.They used to mix up coffee berries, which were the unhulled coffee beans,with animal fat and somehow that was a source of energy.But around 1,000 A.D. coffee on the Arabian Peninsula turned into the hot drink that we today recognize as coffee. 


Psychology is the study of behaviour and mind embracing all aspects of conscious and unconscious experience as well as thought.Put simply the study of mind,the scientific study of the human mind and its functions.   Psychology has always interested me because it has to do with humans and all about the explanation of their behaviour.There are different types of psychology such as: Clinical psychology Biopsychology Counseling psychology Cognitive psychology Comparative psychology Developmental psychology Educational psychology Personality psychology Sports psychology e.t.c Now that we saw the different types of psychology let's see the psychological disorders (I'll show the (kind of) most common and explain them: Bipolar disorder :  Also known as manic-depressive illness.According to NIMH bipolar is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood,energy,activity levels and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks.I once saw a movie about a
Recently, I was watching a kind of documentary,let's say, and it was about people who want a home-cooked food but don't like cooking by themselves.Just like me.And then it appeared a robot called Robo Chef who can cook any recipe.It's really cool and fun but honestly I'd prefer to do it by myself even if I don't like it. I think that this is really cool and nice you know,but besides all this don't you feel like everything s changing in the speed of light.Do you remember the movies you used to see when you were children,with robots and cars that fly and everything? Well,movies become real and in my opinion I think this is bad for the whole humanity because everything that humans did now it's going to be done by robots. And what are we going to be doing? Sitting on a chair and having the computer or phone in front of us and do nothing but staring it all day?This makes us lazy and also our life worthless.Because think it this way : If you don't do any